
The United States trademark system is a “use” based system.  Using your trademark bestows upon you the benefits of trademark ownership so long as you are the first to identify your particular goods and services in the geographical region in which you do business.  Use is paramount and can even trump another user’s valid federal […]

Department of Homeland Security

Where Should I Register my Copyrights and Trademarks? Yes, that’s correct.   According to the The U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP), a bureau of the Department of Homeland Security, trade in counterfeit and pirated goods threatens America’s economy, U.S. workers, national security and the health and safety of consumers. Stopping the flow of counterfeit goods into […]

insert a link - link building warnings

In our Internet-enabled world, businesses that do not operate their own web site are the exception, not the rule.  Web site owners constantly strive to create dynamic, interesting content.  Sometimes, the courts rule they have gone too far even when the legal ice is very thin.  Slate, the online daily, recently reported the following.  A […]