Tag Archives: trademark application

In our experience, trademark applicants are often confused about the specimen requirements submitted with a trademark application involving goods (as opposed to services).  The specimen is used to prove “use in commerce.” Use in commerce under the Lanham Act is deemed to be when the mark is “placed in any manner on the goods or […]

*Originally posted on December 11, 2015 You have a great business and a terrific product or service and now you want to develop your brand and reap the rewards of a successful business.  You understand that protecting your brand is important but you don’t want to deal with the expense and hassle of attorneys or […]

*Originally posted on October 30, 2015 Looking for simplified guides to filing trademark applications on the state and federal level? LWH comes to the rescue.   We have published two guides: Six Steps for Registering a Federal Trademark; and Five Steps for Registering a Trademark in Pennsylvania. — Adam G. Garson, Esq.

It is widely known that China has been the source of cyber attacks against public and private entities in the United States. The nature and effectiveness of these attacks are of considerable concern. According to one estimate, cyber theft by the Chinese has cost the U.S. economy more than $300 billion annually taking into account […]