All posts by: Adam Garson

About Adam Garson

Trademark owners have a duty to defend their trademarks against possible and actual infringement. Ignore infringers and your trademark rights may evaporate.  Defending trademarks, however, is a full time job and not for the weak of heart (or wallet).  The beverage industry is a breeding ground of intellectual property disputes and trademark owners aggressively defend […]

Two years ago we wrote about Floe & Eddie, Inc.’s, attempt to obtain royalties from SiriusXM for performances of the Turtle’s pre-February 1972 sound recordings. Floe & Eddie filed claims in California, New York, and Florida seeking to obtain royalties for performances of their recordings under state common law. You may recall that for pre-February 1972 sound […]

It’s crazy that a standard tune such as “Happy Birthday” sung by millions worldwide in a multitude of languages could actually be claimed “private property” subject to copyright protection.  Now we learn that another famous song, “We Shall Overcome” is also subject to a copyright dispute. The New York Times has reported extensively on the […]

The Buck Rogers comic strip and its many spin-off novellas, films, television series, and toys introduced Americans to the dream and adventure of space travel.  Legal conflicts over possession of the rights to Buck Rogers have been more mundane but just as long lived. The comic strip, which debuted in 1929, was developed by Philip Francis […]

IP lawyers like beer, at least this one does.  So, we also like to write about beer trademarks.  Here’s one you can drink to.  The Irish Times recently reported that the city of Munich has filed a new European Union trademark application for OKTOBERFEST, hoping, we assume, to profit from licensing the name to the countless […]

Trademarking Hashtags Originating in Twitter as a means of designating keyword search terms, the # (hashtag) has become a ubiquitous symbol of the social media age.  As the political season heats up, tweeting has gone wild with political candidates and their supporters exchange 140 character barbs.  This hyperactivity has spilled over to print and digital […]

Over the past several years, the question of what’s a “craft beer” and who qualifies to make a craft beer has been a front and center issue among the brewing community. It started when “Macro Brewers” began making “small” batch brews such as “Blue Moon” manufactured and sold by the “Blue Moon Brewing Company,” a […]

On May 11, 2016, President Obama signed the Defend Trade Secrets Act (“DTSA” or “Act”). The bill was largely uncontroversial (imagine that), passing the Senate by an 87-0 vote and the House by a 410-2 vote. The DTSA is an important piece of legislation.  It is so important that we have decided to focus our […]

When lawyers and lay people talk about “intellectual property” (IP) they are usually referring to patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets. But IP may consist of other rights including the “right of publicity.” The right of publicity refers to those rights related to control of the commercial use of one’s identity typically consisting of a […]