All posts by: Adam Garson

About Adam Garson

*Originally posted on January 13, 2016 Do you need to register a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office? Then this article is for you – print a PDF version of the Six Steps for Registering a Federal Trademark Guide here. In the United States, trademarks may be registered on the federal or on […]

*Originally posted on December 11, 2015 You have a great business and a terrific product or service and now you want to develop your brand and reap the rewards of a successful business.  You understand that protecting your brand is important but you don’t want to deal with the expense and hassle of attorneys or […]

*Originally posted on November 6, 2015 The “USPTO” is the abbreviation for the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is a federal government administrative agency under the Commerce Department that is responsible for granting patents and issuing trademark registrations. Facts about the USPTO: While this sounds simple enough it is actually a large agency, […]

*Originally posted on August 21, 2015 Do you want to use the ® symbol? If so, then you want to learn more about federal trademark registration. We’ve written about the benefits of state trademark registration. There aren’t many but if you believe state registration is right for you, here’s a brief guide on how to register […]

We wrote in last month’s newsletter that filing trademark applications in foreign jurisdictions may have a strategic benefit to large companies in the United States, particularly for companies that desire to mask product development plans from the public eye while maintaining the priority date of an earlier foreign filing. Known as a “submarine” trademark, the key […]

*Originally posted on October 31, 2011 Did you know that a trademark may be refused registration because it is deceptive? Yes, indeed, the “deceptively misdescriptive” doctrine is an interesting — if not tongue-twisting — principle of trademark law, which occasionally rears its head. Here’s how it works in a real-life case. Retail Brand Alliance, Inc. […]

*Originally posted on October 30, 2015 Looking for simplified guides to filing trademark applications on the state and federal level? LWH comes to the rescue.   We have published two guides: Six Steps for Registering a Federal Trademark; and Five Steps for Registering a Trademark in Pennsylvania. — Adam G. Garson, Esq.

 In the United States, trademark applications are public disclosures from which you can learn some very important competitive information. A trademark application will reveal: 1. The identity of the owner of the trademark, and2. the nature of the goods and services to be identified by the trademark A U.S. filed trademark application is, in effect, a […]

*Originally posted on March 30, 2015 Trademark law in the United States is all about “use.”  When you’re using your trademark it is accumulating goodwill and you are exercising your trademark rights.  Absent “use,” your trademark rights dwindle and the trademark itself is subject to abandonment. This is an important principle, particularly, when you are […]