All posts by: Lawrence Husick

About Lawrence Husick

Dear Doc: Me want to protect cookie. How can do that? Signed,A Certain Monster Dear Mr. Monster: A recent case from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals may help you to understand how cookies are protected. More than 50 years ago, Ezaki Glico Kabushiki Kaisha developed “Pocky” – a thin, elongated biscuit partially covered with chocolate. About […]

Dear Doc:  Having just watched “Dancing With the Stars,” and feeling a bit down over Barry Williams’ loss (but happy that Jason Mraz made it to the finals), I got to wondering if dances can be protected by a copyright registration so that they can’t be copied. May just anyone “moonwalk,” or did Michael Jackson […]

Dear Doc: Since literally everyone in the Universe is talking about Taylor Swift, I figured that you might want to, as well. So have at it! Signed, TK  Dear TK: The Doc will, unlike literally everyone in the Universe, refrain from peppering his response with the titles of Ms. Swift’s songs, and will instead, stick […]

Dear Doc: During this social isolation, I’ve started a new hobby…I’m a podcaster! I record myself saying fascinating things and then I publish the audio files on the Internet. Lately, I’ve learned that podcasts are more interesting if you use music to mark “intros”, “outros” and transitions. Please tell me that I’m not going to […]

Dear Doc: The United States Constitution provides, in Article III, that, “The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.” How, then, is it legal for Judge […]

Dear Doc: I heard that “appropriation artist” Richard Prince is again involved in a lawsuit over his theft…uh, “appropriation” of another artist’s photograph. Given the Supreme Court’s decision in the Worhol case about the photograph of Prince, the musician, a few months ago, has anything changed or is Richard Prince still free to swipe anything […]

Dear Doc: I see that several artists and authors have sued artificial intelligence companies, claiming that using their writings, artwork, voices, etc. to train AI systems violates copyright. What do you think of that? Can they stop this whole AI thing using copyright law? Signed,Asking for an Artificial Friend Dear Asking: The Doc is skeptical […]

Dear Doc: Now that the Supremes have settled the whole fair use debate (except for all the issues that they left unsettled, and the new issues that their decision in the Warhol case created…), what’s this that I hear about bananas? Sincerely,Froot Loopy Dear Loopy: Did you know that “Froot Loops” is called that because […]