All posts by: Lawrence Husick

About Lawrence Husick

Dear Doc: A few years ago, you wrote about a copyright law suit where the judges’ opinion in the case took care to point out that among the purchasers of the art work accused of infringement were some famous people. Does that make a difference in how cases get decided? Signed,Instagram Follower Dear IF: The […]

Dear Doc:I know that self-isolating and social distancing has changed what each of us does every day. What has the Doc been up to, and what’s new in intellectual property?Signed,Concerned Reader Dear CR: Don’t worry too much about the Doc. He’s been keeping busy in some interesting ways lately… First, a client of LW&H has […]

Dear Doc: The most basic feature of the design of the World Wide Web is the hyperlink, which allows a browser to display elements of content stored on a web server. The great power of the Web is that the content need not be stored on the same server that hosts a page. Displaying content […]

Dear Doc: I have a question about reversionary rights in works made for hire under US copyright law. Blah, blah, blah, blah… Signed,Copyright Law Geek Dear CLG: Perhaps a recent announcement will clarify your understanding of this complicated and arcane area of the law… According to recent press reports, Harry Shearer, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean […]

Dear Doc: I have heard that Congress is considering a new law that would create a small claims court for copyright infringement cases, particularly those that stem from infringement on the Internet. That sure sounds like it would help to stop unauthorized copying! Whaddya think? Signed,Well-intentioned.   Dear Well:   Have you ever shared a […]

Dear Doc: My cardiologist says that I need to cut out salt. My copyright lawyer says that salting is useful. What gives? Signed, Patient but Confused   Dear PbC:   No wonder you’re confused! You think that doctors and lawyers speak the same language?!? The Doc never heard anything so funny!   Let’s get this […]