All posts by: Adam Garson

About Adam Garson

National Filing. The first method consists of directly filing a trademark application in the foreign country. This is commonly referred to as a “National Filing.” Typically, your US attorney will retain a trademark attorney in the country where you wish to register your trademark. You provide the foreign attorney with a power of attorney and […]

Food technology has come a long way over the past several decades. Great strides have been made in developing substitutes for meat, dairy, and gluten containing flours. We now have “milk” made from oats and almonds, meat substitutes made from various vegetable based ingredients, and gluten free bakery products made from amaranth, millet, sorghum and, would […]

In its 2020 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy, the United States Trade Representative warns: “Commercial-scale copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting cause significant financial losses for U.S. right holders and legitimate businesses, undermine critical U.S. comparative advantages in innovation and creativity to the detriment of American workers, and pose significant risks to consumer health and safety.” […]

In 2011, H. R. 2511, “Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act” was an attempt by Congress to extend copyright protection to fashion design. The bill died in Congress and never received a vote. To this day, fashion designs remain unprotected under U.S. copyright law. One fashion-related area that has received considerable attention, however, is in the […]

2021 brings new trademark fees. The PTO states: “The overall strategy of the Final Rule is to balance a reasonable and affordable fee schedule with sufficient multi-year revenue to recover the aggregate costs of maintaining the USPTO’s trademark-related operations and accomplishing the USPTO’s trademark-related strategic goals. The Final Rule enables the USPTO to continue to enhance […]

On Sunday, December 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill. Included within the massive piece of legislation are a number of new laws specifically addressing intellectual property issues, including the 2020 Trademark Modernization Act (TMA), the Case Act and other copyright related legislation discussed in another article […]

No joke, sometimes, we come across a trademark dispute that cries out for a mention. Here’s one. VIP Products (“VIP”) sells among other things a line of toys, which it calls “Silly Squeakers.” Dog lovers/readers may be familiar with them. The line of vinyl dog toys consists of vinyl replicas of liquor, beer, wine, and […]

The ongoing pandemic has not stopped progress in the world of privacy protection. This month there have been huge developments that may have profound implications for commerce between United States and the European Union (EU). We have written extensively about the European “General Data Protection Regulation” or the GDPR. This is a set of privacy regulations that govern […]

We are pleased to announce that the five attorneys of LW&H who practice on Philadelphia’s “Main Line” have been selected by Main Line Today Magazine as among the Top Lawyers of 2020.  Led by Josh Waterson, MLT’s #1 Intellectual Attorney, Larry Weinberger, Adam Garson, Robert Yarbrough and Lawrence Husick were named by the publication as Top […]

Last January, readers may recall our article about Georgia v. Public Resource Org Inc. (“PRO”).  At the time, that case had been successfully appealed to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS). We now have a decision.  PRO involved the issue of whether the Official Code of Georgia Annotated [OCGA] was subject to copyright protection.  Here were the facts: Georgia publishes and sells the […]