All posts by: Robert Yarbrough

About Robert Yarbrough

James Joyce (no, not the author) learned the hard way that selecting your form of business and assigning ownership are crucial steps in promoting an invention.  Mr. Joyce invented a new computer firewall and granted an exclusive license in the patent to TechGuard Security LLC, which was owned by Mr. Joyce and his wife.  Mr. […]

Patent examiners necessarily have a limited time to spend on each patent application and may miss the point of an invention or of the prior art.  An interview between the applicant and the examiner, either by phone or in person, can be a useful way to educate the examiner.  Under the current system, the only […]

As Mike Yu learned, industrial espionage can earn you hard time.  Mr. Yu is a Chinese national with permanent residency status in the U.S.  He worked as an engineer for Ford Motor Company for ten years.  Before departing Ford in 2007, Mr. Yu purloined computer files containing several thousand of Ford’s sensitive documents, including design […]

Sweeping changes to the U.S. patent system are imminent. By a vote of 95 to 5 the Senate passed the “America Invents Act” on March 8, 2011. If the Act become law, which is likely, it will be profoundly important to inventors, patent owners, and defendants in patent litigation. The House of Representatives is considering […]

The proposed Patent Reform Act of 2011 and will be considered by the full Senate when it reconvenes beginning today, February 28.  Final passage of the bill is not assured and similar bills have been reported out of committee twice in recent years. The bill includes several provisions that are unfriendly to small business patent […]

In December, 2009, the PTO implemented a ‘green technology’ program to accelerate review of patent applications relating to several green technologies, including: · development of renewable energy resources, · energy conservation, · greenhouse gas emission reduction and · environmental quality. One of our clients with a green invention opted for accelerated review under the program […]

Every congress for the last six years has seen one or more bills introduced to address patent “reform.” The new 112th Congress is no exception. Senators Leahy (D), Hatch (R), and Grassly (R) have introduced yet another patent reform bill. The bill takes up where the 111th Congress left off. In the past, patent reform […]