Blog – Adam Garson Law

Designs for patents

Are you an inventor or an invention owner?  Do you intend to do business with the Federal government?  Listen up, because we have crucial information for you. A non-disclosure agreement (‘NDA’) is a contract not to disclose an invention to other people.  If an inventor or owner discloses an invention under an NDA and the […]

TM is for Trademarks

IP lawyers like beer, at least this one does.  So, we also like to write about beer trademarks.  Here’s one you can drink to.  The Irish Times recently reported that the city of Munich has filed a new European Union trademark application for OKTOBERFEST, hoping, we assume, to profit from licensing the name to the countless […]

Question on a Keyboard

Dear Doc: I was, for reasons I do not want to explain, watching the Republican National Convention on television. I watched Malania Trump’s speech about her husband, THE DONALD, and thought that it was a very good speech, especially for someone who speaks five languages. It sounded pretty familiar, but it was not until I […]

Designs for patents

Before an inventor will build 10,000 units of a new invention, he or she will first build a prototype – or many prototypes – to make sure that the invention works as it should.  For many inventions, the inventor does not have the resources to build the prototype and will farm out prototype production to […]


Trademarking Hashtags Originating in Twitter as a means of designating keyword search terms, the # (hashtag) has become a ubiquitous symbol of the social media age.  As the political season heats up, tweeting has gone wild with political candidates and their supporters exchange 140 character barbs.  This hyperactivity has spilled over to print and digital […]

gavel of justice

for the Supreme Court to restore some balance to the patent system. The power of patents has eroded over the last decade, with the Supreme Court concluding that an infringer can only be enjoined from infringing in rare circumstances (Ebay v MercExchange) that pretty much any process that does not require a machine is not patentable […]