Blog – Adam Garson Law

Designs for patents

The past 15 years have seen an unprecedented attack on patents and patent-owners in the United States. Orchestrated by foreign nations, multinational corporations, and a variety of other groups, largely funded by similar vested interests, this attack has reduced much of the value formerly associated with patented innovations. In past issues of our newsletter we […]

gavel of justice

It’s time for a story.  We’ll start with the moral – read your non-disclosure agreements and comply with ALL of the requirements of the agreement to keep your information secret.  Back to the story: In license negotiations for an invention,  Convolve and another party signed a non-disclosure agreement.   Like many non-disclosure agreements, the agreement required […]

combo lock

OMG, I have to try one of these…. That appears to be the general consensus about the so-called “Cronut,” the new New York City food sensation.  Early morning lines stretch around the block with customers lining up to buy this croissant-donut hybrid two hours before the Dominique Ansel Bakery in SoHo opens.  It’s so wild […]

uploading photos

In the issue that will not die, the Supreme Court again considered what can or cannot be patented.  This time the question was whether human genes can be the subject of a patent. The U.S. Constitution at Article One, Section 8 gives Congress the power “to promote science and the useful arts, by securing for […]


Once upon a time, a farmer purchased a magic bean.  The farmer planted his magic bean, as farmers do.  The magic bean grew into a magic beanstalk and made more magic beans.  The farmer harvested the magic beans, as farmers do, and saved the new magic beans for the next year.   For eight years, the […]

TM is for Trademarks

We’ve written a lot about the “fair use” concept in the copyright context but did you know that there is also a fair use concept in trademark law? Here’s a case that illustrates the point. In 2012, the Naked Cowboy (yes, you read it correctly) of New York City fame, sued CBS for trademark infringement […]

deposit boxes

Pardon the quote of the Bard, but there is one area of patent law that, indeed, ponders “that is the question.” Bear with us for a moment while we try to set the stage. To qualify for a patent, the patent law statute passed by Congress states that an invention must meet three criteria: it […]