Blog – Adam Garson Law

TM is for trademarks

If you’re a regular reader of our newsletter, you may recall in 2011 our writing about Supap Kirtsaeng’s legal problems when he was sued by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (“Wiley”) for selling text books on e-bay.  Kirtsaeng, a Thai national, opened a used textbook business in 2009 to support his educational studies in the […]

gavel of justice

According to a chart released by the U.S. PTO, about 26,500 provisional and non-provisional patent applications were filed on March 15, up from the about 2,500 applications that are filed on a typical day.  The reason: inventors and their patent lawyers (including us) were racing to beat the March 16 deadline. As we have said […]

Designs for patents

If you thought reading privacy policies was a was a waste of time you were right. The Carnegie Mellon Institute calculated that it would take 10 minutes to read the privacy policies of the 75 most popular websites at the standard reading rate of 250 words per minute. The medium length of privacy policies from […]

combo lock

You may have never heard of the Berne Convention but it’s a very import international treaty governing copyrights.  Here’s a brief overview.  The Berne Convention was first adopted in Berne, Switzerland in 1886 and requires its signatory countries to safeguard the copyrights of a work created in other signatory countries as it would protect those […]

Internet and Intellectual Property

The United States Federal Government does a lot with tax dollars. One of those things is that it funds research in many areas that lead to published papers in basic science, medicine, engineering, and many more fields. Another is that it runs the Federal Court system, which publishes orders, rules, opinions, and the like. What […]