
“InventorsEye” is a bimonthly online publication by the U.S. PTO for individual inventors.  Among other things, the publication gathers resources for individual inventors, such as inventor’s clubs and support organizations.  “InventorsEye” is a publication of the Inventors Assistance Center. If you’re an inventor, check it out. — Robert Yarbrough, Esq.

On-line patent searching has profoundly improved the patent system.  An inventor can use free Internet resources to search for patents and published applications relevant to his or her invention.  The mother of all free on-line patent databases is that of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO).   The PTO database has the advantage that it […]

The backlog of pending patent applications at the PTO is important to inventors because a large backlog results in long wait times before a patent application is reviewed by an examiner.   During the last years of the last administration, the backlog at the PTO grew so large that the average time to first office action […]

Anyone who regularly or even occasionally watches late night television has seen the advertisements for patent invention services. These services usually advertise an ability to help an inventor both protect and promote his or her invention. There may, indeed, be responsible organizations out there that advertise honestly and help inventors get their products to market. […]