Tag Archives: Apple

Dear Doc: For some time now, we have heard and read that Apple, Inc. has lost its famous ability to innovate. What does that mean, and do you agree? Signed, Your College Friend Who Refuses to Use Any Apple Products, Ever! Dear John: As you know, the Doc bought his first Apple computer in 1979 […]

The story today demonstrates that even experienced and sophisticated patent owners, like Apple, can trip over the fundamentals. ‘Inter partes review’ is a way* for a person or company to challenge someone else’s patent before the USPTO.  A person who wants to challenge a patent can petition the USPTO and submit prior patents, applications or other […]

Speaking of Apple v Samsung, the Supreme Court issued its decision in this long-running litigation about design patents.  To recap, Samsung copied the design of Apple’s iPhone and infringed Apple’s design patents in the process.  There is no question whether the Apple patents are valid – they are.  There is no question whether Samsung infringed […]

The first general rule is that whenever the Supreme Court accepts a patent case, it will reverse the lower court decision and change the law.  The second general rule is that whenever the Supreme Court decides a patent case the law is left in worse shape than it was before. This time, the Supremes have […]

Apple and Samsung have been fighting for years over copying by Samsung of patented features of Apple’s iPhone and iPad.  The features at issue in a recent Apple v Samsung case before the Federal Circuit Court were swipe-to-unlock, telephone number recognition, and spelling correction.  A jury found that Samsung actively copied these features and infringed the patents […]

On the subject of interesting IP spats, here’s one that’s worth smiling (or frowning) over. You may know that Taylor Swift recently complained in an open letter to Apple about its using musicians’ work without compensation during the 3-month trial period of its new music streaming service (which, by the way, debuts today).  Swift wrote: […]