Tag Archives: Artificial Intelegence

Dear Doc: I see that several artists and authors have sued artificial intelligence companies, claiming that using their writings, artwork, voices, etc. to train AI systems violates copyright. What do you think of that? Can they stop this whole AI thing using copyright law? Signed,Asking for an Artificial Friend Dear Asking: The Doc is skeptical […]

Dear Doc: All this new artificial intelligence on the Internet looks like it can make life easier for authors. Why not have some help writing a first draft? Does the use of a system like ChatGPT have any effect on legal rights? Signed,Not an AI Dear NAAI: You sure stepped into the middle of a […]

 Dear Doc: It seems that all anyone wants to talk about now is artificial intelligence. Are there copyright issues involved in AI? Signed, ChatGPT  Dear Chat: The Doc has been thinking about this question for a long time. Back in the “dark ages” of computers (ca. 1983) we used to call the job of getting […]

We asked ChatGPT for a parody of Dr. Copyright. Here’s what we got: Dr. Copyright was feeling quite pleased,His legal power was never to be eased.He guarded the rights of creators with glee,Making sure no one used their works for free. But little did he know, his power was slipping,As technology made it easier for […]