All posts by: Lawrence Husick

About Lawrence Husick

The United States’ patent system is broken.  It should be fixed.  Doing so will improve America’s competitive position in the world.  Bad patents should not be granted.  Patents should be examined more quickly.  Inventors should be encouraged to invent new technologies and get them to market. It would be difficult to find anyone to disagree […]

Treb and Lawrence Our founding partner, Robert “Treb” Lipton died this month.  Of course, for our firm, and for his family, he had departed some time ago in one of the cruelest jokes that disease plays on us: the Alzheimer’s Disease that robbed him of his memories.  We will miss him, but we have missed […]

Dear Doc: We have a small business, and recently, one of our key employees quit unexpectedly.  Of course, we quickly secured things, but a customer just called to say that she has been contacted by the fellow, and that his company’s brochure is quite similar to ours, offering the same services and products.  We did […]

Dear Doc, What ever happened to that “Copyright Troll” that was trying to sue anyone who quoted the Las Vegas newspaper? Jus’ Wondrin’ Dear Jus: Funny you should ask.  You will recall that Righthaven LLC (the “troll” you talked about) is a company that brought hundreds of law suits for copyright infringement against web sites, […]

To bring some protection from unintended exposure to pornographic websites, the international body that administers the Internet Domain Name system has approved a new domain: .xxx (dot triple-x). New to this domain will be a way to block the triple-x registration of certain domains, without actually having to acquire them, as is now the norm […]

David E. Boundy, Vice President, Assistant General Counsel Intellectual Property at a well-known financial services firm, in Boston MA, has asked patent practitioners around the country to post information about the patent bill now in its final stages of consideration by the U.S. Congress.  The  patent lawyers at Lipton, Weinberger & Husick have regularly devoted […]

Under the law in Pennsylvania, unlike many other states, the attorney-client privilege used to be limited to only those things that the client communicated to the attorney.  Thus, while a client might describe his invention to the attorney, creating a privileged communication, the things that the attorney conveyed, such as the results of a patent […]

On February 14-16, 2011, we watched “Watson“, an IBM system of computers the size of a two-car garage, compete against the all-time best champions on the game show Jeopardy!®. On subjects from diseases to characters in Beatles® songs, the computer was impressive, pressing the buzzer faster than its human opponents, and getting so many answers […]