Blog – Adam Garson Law

Olympics copyrights

The Olympic Rings The modern Olympics is replete with symbols, many of which are wrongly ascribed to the ancient games. The most obvious is the five interlocking Olympic rings, which were “invented” in 1913 by Pierre de Coubertin, then-President of the International Olympic Committee. Some authors have ascribed the rings to an ancient inscription on […]

nibbled by ducks

If you are a small business person, then this article is for you.  A new Federal law called the ‘Corporate Transparency Act’ (CTA) goes into effect at the end of this year.  The CTA was first enacted in 2020 for the purpose of combatting money laundering.   “But wait,” you say, “I’m a small business person. […]

Chili Crunch

Policing trademarks is as important as registering them.  Policing requires that you monitor the world of commerce to ensure that others are not using your marks — or confusingly similar marks — and, if so, that you take immediate action against the infringers. There is little point in owning a trademark if you are willing to […]

TM is for Trademarks

In our experience, trademark applicants are often confused about the specimen requirements submitted with a trademark application involving goods (as opposed to services).  The specimen is used to prove “use in commerce.” Use in commerce under the Lanham Act is deemed to be when the mark is “placed in any manner on the goods or […]

Cannabis Plant

Another Long Strange Trip In 1970, the U.S. Congress enacted the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to establish a federal drug policy regulating the manufacture and distribution of regulated substances. The CSA classified cannabis (the CSA schedule refers to marijuana and cannabis interchangeably.) as a Schedule I controlled substance. Schedule I substances are considered to have […]

Policing your trademarks is as important as registering them.  Policing requires that the trademark and other rights owners monitor the world of commerce to ensure that others are not stealing their intellectual property and, if so, take immediate action against infringers.  Many corporations zealously defend their trademark portfolios. Here’s but one example. In a recent article at, The […]

It is surprising how many trademark applicants file their applications without having performed a search to see whether their proposed trademark is even registrable. If you fall into this category, here is some guidance. Once you have created a list of potential trademarks, you have to ensure that no one else has registered the mark […]