Blog – Adam Garson Law

Question on a Keyboard

Dear Doc:   When I joined MegaCorp, I was “asked” (well, told, actually) to sign a nondisclosure agreement that limits what I can do with any trade secrets I may learn while doing my job. That agreement says that I can’t tell a single, solitary soul, and that if I do, MegaCorp will, I guess, […]

Designs for patents

  If you have patents or have been involved in patenting, then you have heard about the  difference between design and utility patents.  The explanation probably went something like this: A utility patent protects how a thing does what it does.  A design patent protects the appearance of the thing. And: A design patent cannot […]


When lawyers and lay people talk about “intellectual property” (IP) they are usually referring to patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets. But IP may consist of other rights including the “right of publicity.” The right of publicity refers to those rights related to control of the commercial use of one’s identity typically consisting of a […]

flickr images

During a recent presentation on copyright law to the Lehigh Valley Photography Club, several members expressed an interest in knowing whether posting images to a photo sharing site such as was “publication” for purposes of copyright registration. I expressed my opinion that it is publication. I thought it would be useful to take a […]