Blog – Adam Garson Law

Designs for patents

You betcha.  The business model of Big Pharma depends on patents.  Without strong, enforceable patents, privately-funded pharmaceutical research would not exist. Case in point:  Gilead sells the highly effective ‘Solvadi’ hepatitis C drug for $1000 per pill.  That’s $84,000 for a twelve-week course.  Idenix,  a Merck subsidiary, argued that Gilead’s Solvadi infringed Idenix patents.  A jury […]

Designs for patents

Speaking of Apple v Samsung, the Supreme Court issued its decision in this long-running litigation about design patents.  To recap, Samsung copied the design of Apple’s iPhone and infringed Apple’s design patents in the process.  There is no question whether the Apple patents are valid – they are.  There is no question whether Samsung infringed […]

Question on a Keyboard

Dear Doc: I understand that it’s sometimes hard to take when someone makes fun of you, but now I have heard that one of the world’s largest brands, LOUIS VUITTON MALLETIER, S.A. (LVMH) (owners of, among other brands, Ardbeg, Belvedere, Bodega Numanthia, Cape Mentelle, Chandon, Chandon Argentina, Chandon Australia, Chandon California, Chandon China, Chandon do Brasil, Château […]


Two years ago we wrote about Floe & Eddie, Inc.’s, attempt to obtain royalties from SiriusXM for performances of the Turtle’s pre-February 1972 sound recordings. Floe & Eddie filed claims in California, New York, and Florida seeking to obtain royalties for performances of their recordings under state common law. You may recall that for pre-February 1972 sound […]

Designs for patents

Dennis Crouch in his Patently O blog considers the possible effects of the Trump administration on the patent system, and particularly, the effects of the anti-globalization platform on which Mr. Trump ran.  Mr. Crouch makes the very interesting observation that at its heart the patent system shifts wealth – from competitors and consumers to patent holders.  […]


It’s crazy that a standard tune such as “Happy Birthday” sung by millions worldwide in a multitude of languages could actually be claimed “private property” subject to copyright protection.  Now we learn that another famous song, “We Shall Overcome” is also subject to a copyright dispute. The New York Times has reported extensively on the […]


The Buck Rogers comic strip and its many spin-off novellas, films, television series, and toys introduced Americans to the dream and adventure of space travel.  Legal conflicts over possession of the rights to Buck Rogers have been more mundane but just as long lived. The comic strip, which debuted in 1929, was developed by Philip Francis […]


When you’re dead, you’re dead, right? Not if your genes have anything to say about it.   A team of microbiologists from the University of Washington studied gene activity in recently dead mice and fish. They found that the activity of over 1000 genes increases after death with the activity of some genes increasing as much as 24 […]