Blog – Adam Garson Law

Designs for patents

In April 2012, the The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issued its “2012 Special 301 Report” (Report) in which it reviews the state of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement in trading partners around the world.  It’s an interesting document, which underscores the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR) to world economy, […]

TM is for Trademarks

Inventors and patent attorneys know that creating any invention has two parts: (a) identifying a problem; and (b), solving that problem.  To protect the invention by patent, the invention must be ‘non-obvious.’  That is, if two or more prior art patents or other references when taken together teach all of the elements of a patent […]

Designs for patents

Dear Doc: I have heard several of my friends say that university copyright policies are complicated and are a “bear” to deal with.  What, exactly, does that mean? Your friend, Yogi Dear Yogi: Many colleges and universities have so-called “intellectual property policies” that they say apply to student-created work. Many of these policies say that […]

Copyright concepts

On May 28th, Phillies versus the Mets, ace-pitcher Cole Hamels, allowed four runs in eight innings but got out of an eighth-inning jam by making the right pitches at the right time.  But it was first baseman Ty Wigginton’s game.  He saved the day by going 3-for-3 with a double, home run, two walks, and […]

Internet Domains

Dear Doc: I hear a lot about storing files on “the cloud” these days. From your perspective, do I lose any rights when I use such a service?  They sure are convenient! Signed, Will Robinson DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!! DANGER!!! The “Doc” has reviewed the terms and conditions of the license agreements of a few “cloud” […]


A recent question posed to us by a law student in Rotterdam, Netherlands (yes, you read correctly) about the status of copyright protection for fashion designs in the United States motivated us to revisit a previous article we wrote in 2009 about proposed copyright legislation referred to then as the Design Piracy Prohibition Act (H.R. […]


The Economics and Statistics Administration, an arm of the U.S. government, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office have issued a report on the importance of intellectual property (patents, trademarks and copyrights) to the U.S. economy.   According to the report, as of 2010 over 27 million people are employed directly in industries identified by the […]