Blog – Adam Garson Law


Yes, folks, there may be method (a little bit) to his madness. Charlie Sheen has filed trademark applications for 24 trademarks.  All your favorite sayings: “violent torpedo of truth,” “that’s what winners do,” “park your nonsense,” “you’ve been warned,” “I’m not bi–polar, I’m bi–winning,” “defeat is not an option,” “duh winning,” and the list goes […]


As our readers may remember, we previously discussed the battle royal shaping up over an iPhone application (app) that mimics milk in an iPhone “glass.” While seemingly amusing, the app business is big business with Apple reporting sales of 2.4 billion dollars in apps in 2009. Further, the issue of what constitutes the “look and […]

On February 14-16, 2011, we watched “Watson“, an IBM system of computers the size of a two-car garage, compete against the all-time best champions on the game show Jeopardy!®. On subjects from diseases to characters in Beatles® songs, the computer was impressive, pressing the buzzer faster than its human opponents, and getting so many answers […]

On Friday, February 11, 2011 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (“FPRI”), Lawrence Husick will be presenting on the subject of “Understanding Cyberspace as a Battlefield.”  The FPRI describes Lawrence’s presentation as follows: Cyberwar, as Richard Clarke recently explained to FPRI’s members, is the next great threat to national […]