Blog – Adam Garson Law

The interruption caused by Eyjafjallajokull has been devastating.  Putting aside the personal inconvenience and expense suffered by airlines, passengers and the travel and vacation industries, the consequence to other businesses has been far reaching — missed deliveries and shipments, upset production schedules, canceled meetings, delayed or canceled business deals, and more.  Believe it or not,  […]

Trademark Rights: Changes in the Law Cease & Desist Receiving a cease and desist (“C&D”) letter demanding that you immediately cease using a trademark or face potential litigation may be bewildering (even frightening).  C&D letters typically request the recipient to transfer a domain name and stop infringing another’s trademark.  Because it may be the “first […]

So you want to sell your trademark to another business. You can do that because trademarks are considered property and may be bought and sold. But trademarks are also special kinds of property and one must use care when crafting the sale so that it is effective and enforceable by both parties to the transaction. […]

The PTO needs more examiners and better information technology infrastructure to bring down pendency of applications and improve the quality of issued patents, but does not have the money to pay for them.  For years, Congress has taken the fees paid by applicants for patents and trademarks and used those funds for other purposes, leaving […]

Intent-to-Use Trademark Applications The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) permits trademark owners to file a registration application even before the owner actually uses a trademark so long as the owner has a bona fide intention to use it in interstate commerce.   The so-call “Intent-to-Use” trademark registration application is a useful tool because it lets […]