Blog – Adam Garson Law

On September 17, 2009, Adam Garson made a presentation on copyright and trademark law to the National Organization of Professional Organizers (NAPO).  If your group would like Adam or other lawyers at Lipton, Weinberger & Husick to present topics on intellectual property law, let us know.  We’d be pleased to help.

Patents are personal property, just like your car. Can your creditors foreclose on your patent?  If you use your patent as collateral for a loan or create any other security interest in the patent and then default on the underlying obligation, the person holding the security interest in the patent can foreclose on the patent […]

Confused over when to use the appropriate symbol when referring to trademarks and copyrights?  Here’s the scoop. The “C” in the circle is notice to the world that the associated work is protected by copyright law.  Although not required by the Copyright Act, it may be placed on any published work.  Registration of the copyright […]

Our office frequently receives calls from young entrepreneurs asking us to copyright their latest fashion design.  Sadly, we tell them that copyright does not offer the protection they seek and, in fact, they will have to enter the market place with the expectation that their designs, if good enough, will inspire “knock off” copies. This […]

On July 21, 2009, Adam Garson made a presentation on the basics of copyright law to the Lehigh Valley Writers Symposium.  In attendance were writers, publishers, photographers and online entrepreneurs.  The group asked many questions in a lively post-presentation discussion.  If your group would like Adam or other lawyers at Lipton, Weinberger & Husick to […]

David Kappos was sworn in as the new Administrator of the PTO this month. As Administrator, he will be the chief executive officer of the agency and in charge of the PTO’s several thousand employees, including patent and trademark examiners.  Mr. Kappos has spent his career as in-house patent counsel to IBM, the single largest […]

The Copyright Act is continually subject to pressures created by technological and economic forces.  Here’s yet another example. Composers and producers are urging Congress to change copyright law so that music airing in a audio-visual downloads are considered public performances and, therefore, deserving of royalty compensation.  Federal law, of course, grants owners of copyrights the […]

For several years, the U.S. has considered methods of doing business and computer software as proper subjects for patents, while the rest of the world generally does not. In October 2008, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals considered the issue of what processes can be patented in the case of In Re Bilski.  The Federal […]

Real Trademarks Used in Virtual Worlds – Part II In our June 2009 newsletter, we wrote about the challenges posed by Virtual Worlds such as Second Life to trademark owners.  The commercialization of virtual worlds by real life companies and the apparently rampant unauthorized use of trademarks by virtual world residents has created new “territory” […]