Blog – Adam Garson Law


In 2013, we wrote about the branding wars between candy bar makers.  These disputes are good measure of the boundaries between 3-D trademarks that have acquired distinctiveness (registrable) and those that are functional (not registrable). In 2006, Nestlé was granted trademark rights in the “distinctive” shape of its KitKat bar in various European countries.  But […]

Internet Domains

In our April newsletter, we told you about the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) that went into effect in the EU on May 25, 2018.   That European regulation provides sweeping privacy requirements for anyone that does business with or collect identifying information on European residents.  We opined that an American GDPR would not happen here […]

Question on a Keyboard

Dear Doc, I saw an advertisement in an in-flight magazine that showed the “Top Attorneys”. I’ve seen attorneys who say that they are “SuperLawyers”. I’ve even seen a listing of “America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators”. Can there really be so many great lawyers?  Signed, Confused   Dear Confused: The Doc has long been confused […]

Designs for patents

Try rolling these out at the bar tonight.  You’ll be the life of the party!  Here goes: The USPTO issued its 10,000,000th patent on Tuesday June 19, 2018.  That’s 10 million patents.  The 10 millionth patent is owned by Raytheon and addresses LADAR range-finding technology, as used in self-driving cars. In 1997, the USPTO issued about 100,000 patents.  In 2007 […]

Designs for patents

Love ’em or hate ’em, we have the most enthusiastically activist Supreme Court in memory. The Supremes are taking on another patent case, this time relating to the on-sale patent bar.  In general, when the Supreme Court decides a patent case, the law is in worse shape than it was before. As a refresher for […]

Internet Domains

We recently wrote about the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and how it might affect your business operations.  You may recall that the main focus of the GDPR is the protection of personal data and digital privacy. If you offer products and services to EU citizens or collect, use, or share personal information […]

Designs for patents

We previously described the evils of inter partes review, by which administrative panels within the USPTO kill issued patents with wild abandon.  Former Chief Judge Rader of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals described inter partes review panels as ‘death squads killing property rights.’  A constitutional challenge to inter partes review was recently decided by the […]