Blog – Adam Garson Law

Our economy is global and an invention that is valuable in the U.S. likely is valuable in other countries as well.  The Patent Prosecution Highway allows for expedited review of corresponding foreign patent applications upon the allowance of a U.S. patent application. If a patent applicant receives a decision from the U.S. PTO that at […]

In 2003, then Senator Joe Biden and three other Congressmen formed the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus. In an invitation to Congress, the Caucus wrote that “Our bipartisan Caucus will work to support congressional efforts to deal with the problem of piracy and Administration efforts to obtain strong intellectual property protections in the context of international […]

Reps. John Conyers (D – Michigan) and Lamar Smith (R – Texas), the chairman and ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, are trying to resolve the problems of patent pendency and the current revenue shortfall at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”).  “Pendency” is the time from filing a patent application until […]

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) has proposed a program to introduce new top level domains (“TLDs”), which it states “will bring about the biggest change in the Internet since its inception nearly 40 years ago.”  Presently, there are approximately 21 functioning TLDs and 250 country code extensions.  In June 2008, the […]

The reports of the death of patent reform have been greatly exaggerated. A bill labeled ‘patent reform’ has been proposed for each of the last several years, but has never been able to garner the votes necessary to pass both the House and Senate. The reason is that the various patent constituencies have very different […]