Intellectual Property


The National Rifle Association (“NRA”) conjures up many things for many people:  gun lobby, gun rights, 2nd Amendment, just to recite a few.  It’s name, however, has rarely arisen in the intellectual property context until recently.  Here is some background. One of Chicago’s famous public sculptures, “Cloud Gate”, affectionately known as the “Bean”, is an […]

Internet Domains

Recent massive data breaches and notorious instances of misuse of data lit fires under privacy advocates, particularly in Europe and California. In our April, 2018 newsletter, we told you about the European Union’s sweeping new privacy program known as the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR), effective May 25, 2018.  The GDPR changes the landscape for […]


Many small to medium size businesses go to great pains to protect their intellectual property under United States law. It makes sense given that they, typically, do not sell their goods and services beyond our national frontier. So they register trademarks and patents with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), register copyrights with […]


Is Google Guilty of “Genericide”? Mr. Chris Gillespie must have thought he had a brilliant idea when he registered multiple domain names that included the term “Google,” such as “,” “,” “” and others. Did he truly believe that Google would not sue him?   Or was this part of a grander scheme?  Think about the […]


Trademark owners have a duty to defend their trademarks against possible and actual infringement. Ignore infringers and your trademark rights may evaporate.  Defending trademarks, however, is a full time job and not for the weak of heart (or wallet).  The beverage industry is a breeding ground of intellectual property disputes and trademark owners aggressively defend […]