
TM is for Trademarks

Trademark lawyers often enjoy following trademark disputes involving  famous trademarks. If you haven’t heard about Apple Computer’s court battle over ownership rights for the “iPad” trademark in China, read on. The Chinese owner of the “iPad” trademark is not Apple but  a beleaguered video display manufacturer known as Proview.  In 2001, Proview obtained rights to the […]

Internet and Intellectual Property

You’ve probably heard about the bankruptcy of Eastman Kodak Company.  Yes, everyone sees the irony in a once successful company famous for its technical innovations failing to keep pace with the rapid speed of digital technology.  Should we write off Kodak and leave it to the dry and dusty bins of history — as one […]

Internet and Intellectual Property

The owner of the popular Chickie and Pete’s (CP) restaurant chain, Pete Ciarrocchi, is on a tear trying to maintain his monopoly over the use of “crab fries,” a seasoned french fry product, which Philadelphia Magazine claims Ciarrocchi invented.  Not so says a handful of restaurants in the Maryland eastern shore who have orchestrated a […]

Internet and Intellectual Property

Trademark owners are now litigating more than ever to preserve their brand names and logos. They are taking aggressive stands with much success.  Here are some recent examples. Courts are enforcing the law of trademark infringement and trademark dilution to prevent unfair competition, a commercial tort designed to promote fair and honest competition. To preclude […]

Designs for patents

When clients ask us to file a trademark application, one of the first things we evaluate is the strength of the proposed trademark.  Is it a strong, distinctive mark that will pass muster with trademark law, or is it a weak, non-distinctive mark that will inevitably be rejected by the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)?   […]

combo lock

To bring some protection from unintended exposure to pornographic websites, the international body that administers the Internet Domain Name system has approved a new domain: .xxx (dot triple-x). New to this domain will be a way to block the triple-x registration of certain domains, without actually having to acquire them, as is now the norm […]


Yes, folks, there may be method (a little bit) to his madness. Charlie Sheen has filed trademark applications for 24 trademarks.  All your favorite sayings: “violent torpedo of truth,” “that’s what winners do,” “park your nonsense,” “you’ve been warned,” “I’m not bi–polar, I’m bi–winning,” “defeat is not an option,” “duh winning,” and the list goes […]


As our readers may remember, we previously discussed the battle royal shaping up over an iPhone application (app) that mimics milk in an iPhone “glass.” While seemingly amusing, the app business is big business with Apple reporting sales of 2.4 billion dollars in apps in 2009. Further, the issue of what constitutes the “look and […]

A popular method for protecting and managing intellectual property (“IP”) assets — high valued assets, in particular — is to transfer them to a special company created for the purpose of creating, protecting, licensing, and monitoring, IP. Typically, a corporation may create a subsidiary to hold its IP, which it may license back to the […]