Blog – Adam Garson Law

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In trademark speak, “reverse confusion” occurs whenever the junior user of a trademark dominates the market such that the senior user of the same or a confusingly similar mark loses its accumulated goodwill in the marketplace. This was the subject of our recent article about the case of Ironhawk Technologies, Inc. v. DropBox, Inc. in which the U.S Court of […]

Brewery small

The popularity of craft beer increases every year. In 2015, there were 4,144 breweries in the United States.  Pennsylvania was one of 15 states that is home to more than 100 craft breweries. Starting a brewery may be a popular endeavor but it is not simple. There is a thicket of state and federal regulations […]

fear of needles

Through a fog, an indistinct, faceless man in a white lab coat approaches you with what appears to be a heavy wooden log. The faceless man struggles under the weight.  The log morphs into a giant… syringe.  The sharp, menacing point of the needle extends toward you, an evil liquid oozing from the tip.   […]

trade dress

McDonald’s golden arches, red and blue Chevron gas stations, and Dunkin’ Donuts pink and orange signs are familiar to most consumers. In legal parlance, these distinctive concepts are referred to as “trade dress.” Like trademarks, trade dress can be registered on the principal registry of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). As we […]

TM is for Trademarks

An overlooked aspect of the marijuana legalization movement is its effect upon research and use of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin and LSD. Both substances are now subject of legitimate therapeutic research with renewed interest in potential legalization. Who would have guessed? Now comes along an enterprising entrepreneur and files a trademark application for the term PSILOCYBIN, which is […]

USPTO Government Shutdown

Oh, great.  Another government shutdown.  The last one lasted 35 days, ending January 25, 2019.  Before that, it was February 2018 and, before that, January 2018.  We’re about to have the government forcibly closed.  Planning on a trip to a national park?  Better reconsider.  Want to sell your product to the military? Fuhgeddaboudit. What about the […]